IELTS Special program
(Offline/Zoom Class)

Course Instructor

MD. Mahmudul Hassan(Tarik Hasan)

LLB, University of London
Founder, IELTS Spirit

Israt Jahan

Former Teacher, Royal Oak Schools District, USA
Co-Founder, IELTS Spirit

Jahidul Isalm Sakib

Diploma in Electrical Engineering, AITVET
IELTS Instructor, IELTS Spirit

Mahbuba Nusrat Jahan

Former In-charge of Junior School Uttara Branch Bangladesh International Tutorial
Instructor, IELTS Spirit

Rubina Akhter

teacher and Incharge of Bangladesh International Tutorial (B.I.T) Junior school, Uttara.
Instructor, IELTS Spirit

Shohan Morol

Former Instructor, 'Mentors'
Instructor, IELTS SPIRIT

Course Details

Duration: 2 Months

Total Classes: 24

Total Mock Test: 5 (free) for offline students

Total Language club Classes: 40

Class Size: 30 Students max for offlie batch. 20 to 50 Students for online batch.

Class Nature: Offline (Uttara, Dhaka) and Zoom class or Online.

Class Recording: Yes, available.

Classroom Photos

Course Plan

Admission Process

Step 1 :

Make payment to this bkash account: (select payment option from your bkash app) 01788522219

Step 2:

Click on this link and fill out the admission form.

Admission Form

Step 3:

we will send you a money receipt to your email.

Available Seat

Books and materials: 4 Books

Total Price: Tk. 1380

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